I know I have done a lot of writing since starting this all just two days ago, but it is really fun to just write and type and get things out of your head and out into the world at large. Mrs. Obama spoke tonight at the DNC and from what I can see she is very well spoken, educated, passionate, and loves her husband. She even got into a good MLK cadence at one point. And proceeded to remind us that this week celebrates women earning the right to vote and MLK I have a dream speech. But it was a bit much to introduce her with a 10 min. video of who she is, a little overboard if you ask me. Which obviously they didn't. Now I hate to be harsh, but I kind of don't care what she has to say. I'm not REALLY voting for HER, I'm voting for her
husband. (or trying to decide if i'm going to vote for him or not) I could care less about what she has done or brings to the table. Sure she had a great family and worked hard to go to Princeton and Harvard- can I get an Amen for- will we ever have a Presidential nominee who went to a normal school??- now as soon as I have typed that there is an example, but really in our modern time, have we elected a Pres. that didn't go to an IVY League school or something just as elite and expensive?? but i got distracted. really I wanted to say that I am sure that Michelle Obama is a very nice lady and one that has earned the places that she has been and triumphed but at the end of the day she is not the one to sign on the dotted line. She does not decide to fix the budget, get gas prices to go down, cut taxes, fund our schools and either send or bring home our troops from around the globe, her HUSBAND will (or won't depending on the election). So as nice at is to hear from a presidential nominee's wife, and I'm glad to see that he at least picked a good wife, so he has good judgement there, I really could care less. I could care less how much his wife believes in him... i'd rather hear him speaking on issues this WHOLE week. I would like a forum of questions asked back to back with the same people asking different questions, in the same arena, even giving him the advantage of questions from his party peers and just see how he does. That would be a good, time well spent, should be broadcasted on every station DNC. Otherwise can we get back to our previously scheduled broadcasting or whatever it is they say;)