Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pocketful of Promises

close your eyes and imagine a lavender shirt with a purple pocket and little hearts floating out of it in varying shades of purple and magenta... this is the shirt for the Pioneer Girl camp year "Pocketful of Promises". i loved it because my favorite color was and still is purple.

this comes to mind as over this past year i have been reminded of God's promises to his people, his church, and ME. the theme for that week of camp is all of the promises that God makes and that he is not a man that he should lie. And that he makes the promises because he loves us eternally with all our crap and yuck and sin; BUT most importantly as children of God the righteousness of Christ's blood. basically if he says i'm going to do something he WILL do it, no turning back, and no negotiating! i'm thankful that he is a promise keeper and maker with me, his people and his church. he will unify and redeem his bride, he will heal our wounds, he will not let one perish but hopes all will come to know him, he will set us free from our bondage, he will renew our strength, he will COME AGAIN...

put these and those personal promises that God has made to you in your pocket and take them out when you need a quick boost or smile to get through the day.

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